Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back on the Horse - Check In 09/07/2011

OK Anonymous - you know who you are even if we don't. :)

Let's see how you did today. Here were the goals you posted for today and how you did...

Yesterday goals:
1. Drink 64 oz water - 50% complete - fell asleep before I drank my last 32 oz cup - but maybe a good thing - because I may not have made ti through the night dry.
2. 30 min walk tonight - didn't happen - when I made the goal it was nice and pretty out - then it got very cold and wet by the time I got off work.

This weeks goals:
1. No pizza - doing well
2. No desserts - had 1/2 of a cookie a patient brought me.
3. More fruits, veggies, low carb, high protein - doing well here. 

We'll check in with your long term goals in a Monday post - once a week for these. :)

Don't forget, accountability is key and even if you didn't hit all of your daily and weekly goals, all is not lost. Tomorrow is another day and you get to make that choice all over again! 

So, post how you did today and your goals for tomorrow. Can't wait to see how you did!

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