Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day Seven - Back at it - Rotary International VTT 2014 - Kampala, Uganda

{This is a series in posts about our trip to Uganda for the Riley/Rotary Vocational Training Team. To start at the beginning, go to this post. Check out the team blog at If you visit the team blog, please leave a comment! The team loves to hear your encouraging words!}

After a quiet night, this morning got off to an early start. Yesterday, the plan was to run on the treadmill that is just in the middle of the hallway while Steph rode the bike which was also there. That plan quickly diminished as I realized how loud my feet thumping on it really was. So, today, we ran the steps and hallways. What a workout! I was dripping in sweat. Even after a cold shower, I was still hot!

Another early start to the hospital as they hoped to handle three cases today. First up is Frederick, a 5-year-old who was actually just under anesthesia yesterday when Shanel was rushed to emergency surgery.

And, a picture of him from a few days ago.

This is where we sit for a lot of the day and blog and check email. These are the trunks we brought from Indiana. Don’t they look comfortable!

Once in surgery, Dr. Turrentine used his video camera headlight that was purchased through a district grant and the Rotary Club of Greenfield. Basically, this allows everything that he is seeing through his “loops” to be shown directly on a TV. This is excellent for teaching! I was just amazed and it is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

This may sound really naïve but I had no idea they actually cut open the heart on some surgeries. At one point, I went back up to the call room and asked for a picture of the heart because I could actually see a little more of what was happening. Sheila gave me these two references of the heart and common defects which helped me understand a little more when I went back down to the OR. I’ve had this explained to me multiple times but armed with my diagrams; I was able to learn a little more.

I watched the surgery for a while and then headed back up. Steph went down to evaluate Priscilla who was actually scheduled for yesterday. She would be the third case of the day.

Here’s another interesting snippet I’ve learned. Look at this x-ray. See the circular ring-like things in the middle of the spine that are more solid than the bone? That is the wire that bands the sternum together after it is opened. Those will be there forever!

A contingent of Kampala-North Rotarians came to visit in the afternoon. They were so excited to see the kids! And, they had a lot of great questions.

Soon, Frederick came back from surgery. Nurse Sylvia was there to help get him settled along with his parents. You can see the Riley ICU nurses, Sheila and Becca, sitting and observing as the UHI nurses get Frederick settled. Continued success in the training program! We all got great big hugs from Kombe Dennis and Molly!

More teaching continued with Dr. Judith and Dr. Cordes.

Little Princess was evaluated by Dr. Walker and Dr. Shimmelpfennig. She was then taken back to surgery as the second case.

Finally, my favorite part of the day! The girls walked down to the ward all by themselves! They just went to visit but everyone was so happy to see them and they got hugs from all of the families!

Patience was a little unsure but got the hang of things pretty quickly. 

Barbra wore her sunglasses the whole way! 

Late afternoon came along and I started to feel not quite so awesome. A little medicine just in case and a 45 minute power nap (I said that ranked up there as best nap ever - on par with those naps right after your baby is born and you are so incredibly sleep deprived that you fall right into a deep sleep when given the chance for a nap), and I was about up to 75%. Princess came out of surgery just about the same time that the night shift arrived. 

Another late dinner at the hotel (food didn’t arrive until 10!) and we bought our plane tickets from here to Dubai. Yes, we leave on Sunday. J I was glad to have that done!

I have a long list of things typed up on my phone that I want to share with everyone. I have learned so much on this trip that my brain feels like it may explode with information! I can’t wait to share it with everyone!

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