Monday - rest (plan = rest)
Tuesday - rest (plan = 4)
Wednesday - 6 miles (plan = rest)
Thursday - 4 miles (plan = 6)
Friday - rest (plan = rest)
Saturday - 18 (plan = rest)
Sunday - rest (plan = rest)
Total - 28 (plan = 32)
This was a good week. The six miles on Wednesday were rough as I mentioned in the last post, but I got through it. Then the four miles on Thursday was better at a 9:30 pace. Finally, my long run went great and was a confidence builder. Even thought I missed a run this week, I felt good about it.
The first 10 miles of my longest run ever this week was run with mom and her two friends, Hillary and Kristin. They are training for the Columbus Half and doing a great job. We stayed around a 9:30 pace and I really enjoyed the change in scenery. I ran past a lot of my high school spots.
Once I was on my own for the last 8 miles, I popped in the headphones. I was surprised at the boost in energy once I did that. I laid down some pretty impressive times for me in those last 8 miles, especially considering how non-great I felt when my friends left.
Do you see those two sub-9 minute miles? Do you see how I ended with 9:08 and 9:09 miles? Do you see how I ran for almost 3 hours? I'm really working hard on the negative split thing. I really think that this will help me finish the marathon strong. We'll see!
I ended feeling pretty darned good. Of course, this didn't last long. I stuffed my face with pulled pork and watched our sweet five year old nephew open some presents and then I slunk off to the basement to sleep it off. After two hours, I felt relatively human again and joined the living for an OSU party with great friends. I slept another three hours on Sunday though. Marathon training makes for a sleepy Sara!
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