Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lazy Days of Summer

Yesterday marked the first time this summer for a family campfire. Our plan was to put Jack to bed then let the girls roast marshmallows. Then, Tom and I were going to grill burgers and have a relaxing evening. The girls stole the show though and kept us out there until well after 9. They were telling ghost stories and really cracking us up. Here's a short video of Tessa's story. If you listen closely, you can tell Josie is feeding Tessa parts of the story.

Later, after everyone told a story, Tom started a story with one sentence and we went around the fire adding a sentence. We were both surprised at how well they did! They added vampires, werewolves and zombies and did quite a nice job of talking in a spooky voice and using spooky hand motions. Must be all the Scooby Doo. :)

Today, I took the girls to a make-up gymnastics class. Not sure I've mentioned this before, but they're taking lessons at JPAC - Jaycie Phelps Athletic Center. Jaycie was a member of the 1996 US Olympic Team that won gold. Anyway, they go once a week and I'm amazed at how far they have come in the last year. I was able to pay close attention today since I didn't have Jack to wrangle. Josie almost has a cartwheel mastered and Tessa has great pointed toes. Here's Josie going right up into a bridge.

We went to Kohl's to shop for Father's Day and then came home for quiet time. Tom worked on cleaning out the garage while I napped (the kids didn't). We did manage to catch Jack on video taking a few wobbly steps finally. He's starting to really take off. He's still a bit uncertain, but is starting to let go and walk places rather than drop to his hands and knees to crawl.

Finally, I headed out to Walmart to collect things for my 5 Day Inferno Plan on TurboFire. I still haven't decided if I'm starting tomorrow or Monday. I'm leaning toward starting the exercise portion tomorrow and then the diet on Monday. That means Friday I'll just have to stick to the diet and no exercise which will be good since we're traveling. I'm thinking it will be a good way to try out the program and lose a few pounds before vacation. Then, when we get back, I can do the full program (after probably gaining it all back). It is vacation after all!

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